october in april.

[notes from a compulsive list-maker.]

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

yours are rubber-bands? mine are rubber-bands.

been obsorbed in my routine: writing, shutter-clicking, reading.

- a whole chicken, again.
- asparagus.

read (not only but including):
- berryman's the dream songs.
- oe's a personal matter.
- j. bowles' two serious ladies.

wrote: some polaroids.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

intimate surface contact?

for you on v-day--geckos!

[article apparently published in the sigma xi newsletter (wha?) and courtesy of ms. d.]

How Gecko Toes Stick
Nanostiff, microsquishy hairs engage tiny forces to create a powerful adhesive.

Geckos can run up walls or cross inverted surfaces with seeming ease. How do they do it? In the March-April American Scientist magazine, Lewis & Clark College biologist Kellar Autumn describes recent research in his lab and others that tells the tale.

It turns out that gecko toe pads are sticky because they contain extraordinary structures that act together as a smart adhesive. But gecko toes work nothing like pressure-sensitive adhesives (found on adhesive tape), which are soft enough to flow and make intimate, continuous surface contact.

Instead, gecko toes bear ridges covered with arrays of stiff, hairlike setae. Each seta branches into hundreds of tiny endings that touch the surface and engage intermolecular van der Waals forces. Together, the 6.5 million setae on a 50-gram gecko generate enough force to support the weight of two people.

Furthermore, gecko toes detach within milliseconds, stick to nearly every material, and neither stay dirty nor self-adhere. Autumn is currently collaborating with engineers to design legged robots that can run up walls.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Now Bite Size!

belly rumble:
- 1,300 cereal boxes.
- postbox or cheese?

[links from the manhattan user's guide.]

i am going to pennsylvania to cut up cow this weekend.

Monday, February 06, 2006

The Evening Glass of Cheer.

let's toast to february.
the doldrums month.
i have been eating popcorn (pot, stovetop).
colder has crept up.

[title: PBR ad, 1913. i usually don't cite, but, well.]

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Grape=Nuts is a master food for thinkers.

- learned a new darkroom technique.
- watched arthur.
- am hermitaged to read more books.