interiors, awry.
there is a reason for the lag-time.
let's just say that i have, in a very unpleasant manner, lost control over my living situation. and my sleep.
one mitigation: i made my first black-and-white prints today. made! as with invisible ink! i had to leave them to dry in the photo lab. in the photo lab, i feel a bit like an imposter who has shown up to orchestra rehearsal with a tin-whistle and the sheet music for "hot cross buns." and have i mentioned that everyone in the orchestra is younger than me? nonetheless, i have some objects, and they have lights and lines and i am amazed.
dude, what happened?
eh, my life has become something akin to a kafka novel, or so say some. email me for the mundane particulars.
everyone feels awkward in the photo lab, because the place is chock-full of sexual tension. i mean, the fact that a lab can used to produce artwork is secondary to the fact that it's so obviously an EXCELLENT place in which to steal away for lighthearted makeouts.
also: "photo lab" is an interesting phase, since both words are shortenings of longer words. from now on you should say "photography laboratory," as in "Excuse me, but I must retire to my photography laboratory."
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